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- Stay Home for Sinnissippi Non-Event Gala
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Content Templates
- Blood Drive at Sinnissippi Centers Dixon Office
- Citizens State Bank Ragnar Race
- Community Impact Fundraising Event
- Culver’s Share Night for Sinnissippi
- Culver’s Share Night for Sinnissippi Centers
- Eat Wings Raise Funds
- Gathering for Good
- Sinnissippi Golf Open
Recovery Stories
- David’s Story
- Heather’s Story
- Jack’s Story
- Josh’s Story
- Lisa’s Story
- Mary, Henry, Brandon, and Brittany
- Nicole’s Story
Press Releases
- 988 Is Now Online and Sinnissippi Centers is Playing a Part
- April Fundraiser Benefits Recovery
- April is Alcohol Awareness Month
- Art and Excitement Some of the Features of April Fundraiser!
- COVID’s Impact on Behavioral Health
- Crisis Services Are Vital to Individuals and Their Communities
- December is Impaired Driving Awareness Month
- Different Governor, Same Game Being Played in Springfield
- EMDR Training
- Expressions Art Sale and The Next Picture Show Celebrate 10 Years (10th Annual Expressions Art Sale and Reception benefits the Sinnissippi Foundation)
- February is American Heart Month (Heart Disease effects more than the heart.)
- Funding for Mental Health and Substance Use Services at a Crossroads (With funding levels at historical lows the future is more uncertain than ever)
- Gloria Martin Named as Director of Child and Adolescent Services
- Gov. Rauner and State Agencies Sued for Breach of Contract by Coalition of Human and Social Service Agencies
- Governor’s Proposed Budget Good for Behavioral Health
- Ground Broken for New Sinnissippi Centers Office (Oregon location is the last of five area offices to be updated)
- Ground Broken on Sinnissippi Centers’ Dixon Office Expansion Project (Addition will allow agency to meet increasing demand for services)
- Help for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (Series of Grandparent Cafes to help grandparents and other relative caregivers)
- Impact of Recovery Home One Year Later
- Innovation Ahead in Behavioral Health
- Innovation The Key To Future Success
- Local Agencies Respond to Lack of State Funds As Budget Stalemate Continues.
- Man Who Survived Jump from Golden Gate Bridge Speaks Locally
- March is Self-Harm Awareness Month
- May is Mental Health Awareness Month
- May is Mental Health Month – Let’s End Stigma
- Mental Health First Aid Can Save Lives Too (Training of “Mental Health First Aiders” helps identify those in need and direct them to help)
- Mental Health First Aid Can Save Lives Too (Training of “Mental Health First Aiders” to be held in Rochelle.)
- Mental Illness is Not a Predictor of Violence
- New Coverage Available for Behavioral Health under the ACA (True impact to agencies and the newly covered remains to be seen)
- Popular Series of Parent Cafés Coming to Rochelle (A Series of 3 Empowering, Learning Experiences for parents: Offered in both English and Spanish)
- President Kennedy’s Final Act Heeds 50 Years of Community Mental Health (October 31, 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Community Mental Health Act)
- Rauner Budget Proposal Harms the Most Vulnerable (Plan eliminates mental health & substance abuse care for thousands)
- Return of Wellness & Recovery Celebration
- Ribbon Cutting at Sinnissippi Freeport Office
- September is an Important Awareness Month
- Sinnissippi Celebrates 40 Years of Providing Substance Use Treatment
- Sinnissippi Celebrates 50 Years With Gala
- Sinnissippi Centers Adding Additional Psychiatric Services Capacity
- Sinnissippi Centers Names New President/CEO (Current President/CEO Jim Sarver to retire after nearly 25 years of service)
- Sinnissippi Centers New Sensory Room
- Sinnissippi Centers Offers Scholarships
- Sinnissippi Centers Operating During COVID
- Sinnissippi Centers Provides More School Based Services
- Sinnissippi Centers Receives Mental Health First Aid Training Grant (Funds will help train local Law Enforcement in Mental First Aid)
- Sinnissippi Centers Receives a Community Foundation of Northern Illinois Grant (Funds will be used to expand successful health integration program into Ogle County)
- Sinnissippi Centers Welcomes Lorri Mostad
- Sinnissippi Centers is a Trauma Informed Agency
- Sinnissippi Centers to Open Women’s Recovery Home
- Sinnissippi Centers to Open the First Recovery Home in the Area
- Sinnissippi Centers’ 2025 Scholarship Program
- Sinnissippi Centers’ Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic
- Sinnissippi Centers’ Kemp Promoted
- Sinnissippi Centers’ New Oregon Office opens soon (Ribbon Cutting and Open House Scheduled for July 17, 2014)
- Sinnissippi Centers’ Patrick Phelan Named CBHA Chairperson
- Sinnissippi Leadership in Transition
- Sinnissippi Recovery Home Holds Open House
- Sinnissippi Seeks to Be a Trauma Informed Agency
- Sinnissippi’s Healthy Families Honored
- Stacie Kemp Appointed President & CEO of Sinnissippi Centers
- Teletherapy Provides Support to Those In Need
- Termination of Funding Means Loss of Medication Services for Approximately 500
- The Connection Between Mental Illness and Violence Just Can’t Be Made (There is a widespread misperception that those with a mental illness are dangerous)
- The Next Big Step in Providing Care
- Tips to Help Reduce Holiday Stress
- Transforming Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment
- Wellness During Challenging Times
- Workforce Issues in Behavioral Health
- Youth Mental Health Crisis
Foundation Press Releases
- 11th Annual Expressions Art Sale and Reception features Art and Excitement
- 12th Annual Expressions Art Sale and Reception
- 13th Annual Expressions Art Sale & Reception
- Art for a Cause; The Sinnissippi Foundation (8th Annual Expressions Art Sale and Reception benefits the Sinnissippi Foundation)
- Celebrating Wellness & Recovery (Sinnissippi Centers Hosts Annual Wellness & Recovery Celebration September 13, 2012)
- Expressions Art Sale & The Next Picture Show Celebrate 10 Years (10th Annual Expressions Art Sale and Reception benefits the Sinnissippi Foundation)
- Golf Open A Success Thanks to Many
- Local Artist Raises Nearly $9,000 for Sinnissippi Foundation (Beverly Garcia’s Art in the Garden event a great success)
- Sinnissippi Foundation Receives Grant from Ken Neslson Auto Group and Toyota Dealer Match Program (Funds to support programs and services of the Foundation)
- St. Paul Lutheran Church of Dixon presents check to Sinnissippi Foundation (Funds to support annual consumer holiday party)
- The Strong Connection Between Art and Mental Wellness (9th Annual Expressions Art Sale and Reception benefits the Sinnissippi Foundation)
Staff Members
- Abbey Horner, BA, MHP, CADC
- Abby Colberg
- Abby Vidal BS, MHP
- Abi Frields, APN
- Alexis Pfeiffer, LSW, QMHP
- Alexis Rutishauser M.Ed, QMHP
- Alison Grimes, MHP, CADC
- Amanda VanDover, MS, LCPC
- Amber Corson, LCSW, QMHP
- Amber Dahler
- Amy Gilroy, MSW, QMHP
- Amy Wiltshire, BA, MHP
- Anna Martin, RN, BSN
- Annique Vidal, BS, MHP
- April Ramirez, MS, QMHP
- Ashley Dahlquist, AS, CRSS, MHP
- Ashley Dober, MSW, QMHP
- Ashley Moreno, LCSW
- Ashley Patterson, BA, MHP
- Austin Grimes, BA, MHP
- Autumn Brady, MHP, BS
- Bailey Stover
- Brandice Howell, BSW, CADC, MHP
- Brandon Noble, MS Ed Psy, QMHP
- Brittany Blevins, LPN, MHP
- Brooke Majeske-Dooley, BA, MHP
- Bryn Slager, LCSW, QMHP
- Candice Coers, MS, QMHP
- Charis Allen, MSW, LCSW, CADC
- Chelsea Smith, MSW, LCSW, QMHP
- Chloe Baer, BA, MHP
- Christa Smith, MA, QMHP
- Connie Davis, MSW, LCSW
- Cris Mugrage, LCSW
- Crystal Ammann, BS, MHP
- Dara Pumphrey-Ruiz, MD
- Dena Read
- Destiny Yeager, RN, BSN
- Diana Holland, MS, CRC, LPC
- Diane Balcom, MA, QMHP
- Drayton Nill
- Emma Griffith, MSW, QMHP
- Evan Atherton, CRSS, MHP
- Grace Grobe, MS, QMHP
- Hannah Anderson, BS, MHP
- Inga Neuner, MS, QMHP, LPC
- James Daly, MD, MBA
- Janda Hicks, MSW, QMHP
- Jeff Miller, MSW, QMHP
- Jennifer Fox, MS, QMHP
- Jeremy Bleuer, BA, CADC
- Jessica Burrows, LCPC
- Jessica McCarver, QMHP, MFT
- Jillian Piske, MA, QMHP
- Joseph Smith
- Josh Vos, MA, QMHP
- Julie Kirchhoff, BA, MHP
- Kaitlin Molaison, MHP
- Katie Hazek, LCSW, QMHP
- Katrina Valencia, MHP, CADC
- Kayla Davis, MS, QMHP
- Kelly Burrow, BS, CADC
- Kelly Gerber, BS, MHP
- Kelly Shroyer, MHP
- Kelsey Boyd, MSEd, QMHP, LPC
- Kevin Buss, MFA, CRADC
- Kia McCrudden, MSW, MBA, QMHP
- Kolton Kramer
- Kourtnee Mezo, LCSW, CADC, CODPI
- Kris Nichols, LPC, CADC
- Kristina Mershon, APRN-FPA
- Lakyn Jeremiah, LSW, MSW, QMHP
- Laura Arnold, MS, QMHP
- Laura Rankin
- Laura Smith, BA, MHP
- LeAnn Alexandria, MHP
- Lucinda Carey, MS, QMHP
- Lynnsey Worrell, QMHP
- Maddie Wallace, BA, MHP
- Maggie Lafever, LCSW
- Malea O’Connor
- Marcie Arno
- MaryLu Hicks, BA, MHP
- Matt Severing, MFT, NCPM, CADC
- Matthew Gecan, MSW, QMHP
- Meghan Dunn, MSW, LSW, QMHP
- Melanie Hazelwood, BSN, RN, QMHP
- Michelle Hall Bustos, BA
- Mike White, LCPC, CADC
- Monica Benesh
- Najwa Morrar, BS, MHP
- Nichole Hammer-Crown, BA, MHP
- Nicki Butler, MA, QMHP
- Nikki Principato, MS, LCPC
- Pablo Silva, BA, MHP
- Patrick McCue, CRSS
- Phoenix Smith, BA, MPH
- Quinn Johnson, QMHP
- Rae Metzler, BA, MHP
- Rainbow Allen, BA, MHP
- Rebecca Johanning, MS, LPC CADC
- Sandra Devries, M.Ed, QMHP
- Sarah Fane, MSW, QMHP
- Sarah Mason, BS, MHP
- Sarah Schulfer-Popp, LCPC, CADC
- Sarah Wolf, MS, QMHP
- Sawyer Kolaczkowski, MS, QMHP, LPC
- Shatiqua Simon, MA, QMHP
- Shawana Martin
- Sierra Inghram, MS, QMHP
- Stephanie Christian, MA, QMHP
- Tanja Babel, MSW, QMHP
- Tara Rogers
- Tiffany Chander, LCSW, QMHP
- Tracy Hartman
- Tyler Inghram, MS, LPC