David’s Story

Today I have been seven months clean and sober. Thanks to God, family, the 12 steps and Sinnissippi Centers’ Recovery for Life. I also received two A’s and two B’s at Sauk this past semester and I work at a golf course.

My name is David and I am addicted to alcohol and drugs. I’m 51 years old and I’ve tried to recover from alcohol and drugs for the past 30 years. In those years I’ve graduated from nine treatment facilities. I found myself homeless and unemployable. I’ve been arrested, beaten up and robbed, often left for dead.

My whole way of life was centered on drugs in one form or another. I was focused on finding ways and means to get more: I used to live and I lived to use. I was an addict! In these years of trying to recover I could only stay clean and sober for a few months, then would fall. I would return to my addiction worse than the time before. At the end I found myself alone, locked up in a hotel room, praying to die. I had let myself and everyone else down. The shame and guilt were unbearable.

My wife gave me a choice; the drugs or her. I reluctantly said I would go and talk with someone. That someone was Kelly at Sinnissippi Centers.

The day was November 7th; my first day clean and sober once again. I had no hope that it would be any different this time. I would eventually fall, just give it time.

I remember how positive and encouraging Kelly was. This struck me as funny because I told her everything about my addiction: how strong it was and how weak I was.

I was then introduced to my IOP group (Intensive Outpatient Program) and Kevin. Kevin quickly diagnosed me as having Bipolar Disorder. I saw the psychiatrist who prescribed medication for my Bipolar Disorder. I learned so much in IOP; too much to list here!

Small successes eventually started to give me hope. In the fourth week of group I was introduced to my Recovery Specialist. We talked about the Recovery for Life program, which, for me, centered on my life building skills. We worked on my resume and job applications. He also helped me enroll in Sauk Valley Community College. He even came to help me with my typing skills: I “roll old school”, and“hunt and peck”.

He also helped with getting transportation to and from events. He was there for any type of question I may have had: And this is all after I graduated from treatment!

Today I have been seven months clean and sober. Thanks to God, family, the 12 steps and Sinnissippi Centers’ Recovery for Life. I also received two A’s and two B’s at Sauk this past semester and I work at a golf course.

My wife has a husband who is clean and sober; she is very happy. I am living and enjoying life without the use of drugs or alcohol.

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