May is Mental Health Month – Let’s End Stigma

May is Mental Health Month:  It was first designated in America in 1949 by Mental Health in America. This is the 75th year we have celebrated Mental Health Month. During this 75th year of Mental Health Month, we recognize that the awareness around our mental wellness has improved, but we also recognize that more needs to be done.

“One in five adults in the U.S. has a mental illness,” says Stacie Kemp, Sinnissippi Centers’ President/CEO. “Yet, fewer than half of those individuals receive the treatment and support they need,” adds Kemp. “There are several reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is stigma. Stigma is a powerful negative or discriminatory barrier that can lead people with mental illness to avoid or delay treatment,” says Kemp. “During this Mental Health Month, we are focusing our awareness efforts on reducing the stigma that surrounds mental illness and is still a barrier to treatment,” adds Kemp. Sinnissippi is joining efforts with KSB Hospital and the Partnership for a Healthy Lee County workgroup to conduct an #EndTheStigma campaign. One of the ways to fight stigma is talking about mental illness and learning more about it.

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